MNC information:
The MNC is now officially finished as an organization. The pages concerning
the former MNC can be found on this page, along with the AGM report on the
motion to dissolve the MNC.
MNC Description
MNC Mission Statement
Reports from:
Summer '97 Network Retreat -
The Many Paths of Pro-feminist Men
July 24 - 27th, 1997 held again at Wanaki
Men's Network for Change - Annual General Meeting
July 27, 1995 Wanaki-on-the-Ottawa
The tenth gathering of the Men's Network for Change entitled "The Many
Paths of Pro-feminist Men", involved 24 participants. They included
Vienneau, Robyn Harvey, John Thorp, Jean Brown Tricky, Maria Shin, John
Fisher, Jerome St-Denis, Floyd Kelly, Phil Burge, Michael Kaufman, Harvey
Schacter, and Clifford Clark. The following participants were present on
Sunday morning for the Annual General Meeting: Richard Briggs, Bill Usher,
Ian Russell, Paul Lafleur, Ray Jones, Kevin Simpson, Michael Deloughery,
Ken Fisher, Murray Thorpe, Jack Wiggin, Bob Neufeld and well-chaired by
The day before the AGM, the following met to discuss the decision to
exclude a former member from the retreat and the future of the MNC. Present
for this were: Michael Deloughery, Ken Fisher, Ray Jones, Michael Kaufman,
Paul Lafleur, Bob Neufeld, Bob Thomson, Bill Usher and Jack Wiggin. The
**Motion to Desolve** was largely formualted in the course of that
On Sunday morning, Bob Thompson called the AGM to order.
Ken Fisher reported the the MNC-Ottawa account had a balance of $630.25,
that there were no outstanding bills and that the conference cost of $1875
was balanced. All present nodded their agreement with the financial report.
PROLOGUE to the motion to dissolve written and read by RAY JONES
The MNC is (almost) no more.
"The seminal men's group, which was formed at a gathering in Orangeville,
Ontario, in the spring of 1989, approached its end on July 27, 1997, in
Pontiac, Quebec.
"At a men's gathering at Ken Fisher's bed and breakfast and retreat
it was acknowledged that the MNC had not functioned as the Network it was
intended to be, for a number of years, and that it should therefore be put
to rest.
"The Ottawa-Outaouais Ritual Group, (formerly called the Ottawa-Outaouais
MNC Caucus) which has carried on the work of the MNC for four years, and
has tried unsuccessfully many times to pass it on, made it abundantly clear
that it wanted to end its own association with the MNC.
"It was the recommendation of the gathering that the Kingston Men's
Conference in October, 1997, would be the right time and place to more
formally put the MNC to rest.
"It is perhaps important here to say a word about the spirit in which
might take place:
"The MNC has played an important role in the lives of a great many
in Canada and beyond. To mention one example, Michael Kaufman spoke of
some of the links between the MNC (and the Kingston and Grindstone Island
Men's Conferences) in the development of the White Ribbon Campaign, which
is quickly becoming international in scope.
"Therefore, at Kingston, it would be both useful and respectful to
an event that celebrated the life of the MNC rather than simply noting its
"Finally, I can't resist saying that, like Monty Python's infamous
parrot, the MNC may be well and truly kaput, but its life was colourful
its memory will live on."
Motion to dissolve the Men's Network for Change written and read by KEN
The Men's Network for Change was established in the Spring of 1989. It is
now the time to acknowledge the completion of it existence.
Among its major accomplishments were:
-the establishment of a safe space for pro-feminist men to gather
-the mobilization of men across Canada to express their opposition to
violence against women (expressed in our support for the White Ribbon
Campaign, Men for Change Halifax [Healthy Relations Curriculum], Manitoba
Men's Network, Metro Men Against Violence - Toronto, etc.)
-the creation of a community of gay, straight, bi-sexual and transgendered
As we move towards closure, please join with me in the reading of the
Mission Statement.
Mission Statement was read.
We all therefore agree, that the Men's Network for Change be dissolved.
The Ottawa-Outaouais Ritual Group (probably to be renamed again) intends
continue its quarterly gatherings and summer retreats for all men of good
will who espouse the values of the Men's Network for Change AND the
behaviours as stated in the Process Guidelines developed on Grindstone
Island .
Some members of that group will continue to commit, for no less than
another year, to operate an information exchange service under the name
MENSNET. This would involve occasional mailings to those interested in
pro-feminist news and events. Those wishing to subscribe would be asked
send $5 each year for the service.
The MNC account, co-signed by Michael Deloughery (web site manager) and
Fisher (data-base and mailings) has a balance of $630.25. They have agreed
to continue offering these services. The web site costs about $150 per year
at this moment.
We wish that the funds that are currently in the MNC: Ottawa account be
transferred to the program called MENSNET to support the continuation of
the service mentioned and the possibility of an annual summer retreat. We
think this appropriate because these monies were given for the services
that will nevertheless continue despite the dissolution of the MNC.
It is the hope of this, the last MNC - AGM, that the fall Kingston
Conference would facilitate an event that would formally acknowledge the
dissolution of the Men's Network for Change and related decisions made here
and now.
All present nodded their agreement. The AGM and retreat ended with the
singing of Bill Usher's song, "Be Here Now" and a felicitous Closing
led by Bob Neufeld.