FreeS/WAN IPSec for Linux, SANS 2000 PH, RGB
Table of Contents
Common Setup
Contents of /etc/ipsec.conf:
# basic configuration
config setup
# THIS SETTING MUST BE CORRECT or almost nothing will work;
# %defaultroute is okay for most simple cases.
# Debug-logging controls: "none" for (almost) none, "all" for lots.
# Use auto= parameters in conn descriptions to control startup actions.
- Tells the KLIPS IPSEC code in the Linux kernel which network I/F to use.
- Often, default will work:
- In advanced cases:
- interfaces="ipsec0=eth0 ipsec1=ppp0"
- Only configured IPSEC I/Fs can be used to communicate with other IPSEC gateways.
If this is not correct, nothing works.
klipsdebug, plutodebug:
- Debugging setting for the KLIPS kernel code and Pluto key and connection negotiation daemon, respectively.
- These can each be set to "none" or to "all" in most circumstances. See the man pages.
plutoload, plutostart:
- List of connections to be automatically loaded into memory and negotiated when Pluto starts, respectively.
- These can be quoted lists of connection names, but are often set to %search.
- Any connection with auto=add in its connection definition is then loaded, and any connection with auto=start is started.
Last modified by
Richard Guy Briggs
Thu Jan 24 11:07:09 EST 2002