Sites to check out: 

Andrea Dworkin
Web Site
of Abused Men - Duluth Domestic Intervention Project
Web Site
Blue Stocking Home Page
- "Unabasedly feminist" publication
CCSD - Family
Violence Program - Vis-a-vis Newsletter
for Research on Violence
Changing Ways (London)Inc
Men's Violence CITEBASE -designed to provide phrasing and reference
information to increase the credibility of ending men's violence activists
with news media and public officials
The Fatherhood
Coalition- From the same people that provide "Men and Domestic
Feminista the online journal
of feminist construction
Feminist Activist
Resources on the Net
Feminist.Com - Listing
of Pro-feminist Men's Organizations
Gay & Lesbian
Mailing Lists and Resources
Equity Schools Initiative
Issues Links
listing of electronic forums related to women or to gender issues
Men For Change
Issues of Battered Women and
their Children
Justice, Sex, and Money - Full text of the Keynote Address of Terry
Boyd and Joseph Dunlop-Addley at the 1995 Kingston Conference
Men Against Domestic
- Men Against Racism and Sexism
Men And Domestic Violence
The Men's Project U of Ottawa -- "We help men and their families build better lives."
Men's Rape Prevention Project a nonprofit organization providing education, training and consultation in
preventing rape and other forms of male violence.
Oh Brother
- oh! BROTHER is a website dedicated to exposing the phallacies of the
pro-feminist men's movement, National Organization for Men Against Sexism
(NOMAS) specifically.
Ministry of Women's Equality (
British Columbia )
Organization of Men Against Sexism
Partnership Against Violence
- Network in the US
Profem List
The profem mail list is an Internet mail list with a focus on men, masculinities
and gender relations.
Review - Gender related articles from a 1995 edition
Sexual Assault
Information Page
Stop Prisoner Rape
The Fathers' Resource
Center is a nonprofit family service agency located in Minneapolis.
The Center takes a moderate stance which is pro-father but which is not
at the expense of women.
The Survivors Page
The White Ribbon Campaign An
national organization of men working to end men's violence against women
through awareness and education campaigns.
Yahoo Gender
Issues Index and Links
And yes there is a WomensNet
Working for Justice
- Ending Violence - The primary focus of this page is to be a forum
for activists working to end violence and oppression. In particular, this
page will focus on profeminist men's activism
XY: an Aussie
magazine for men that offers a profeminist, male positive perspective
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