
Coming Events

Please advise us of upcoming events

Quarterly gathering of Ottawa guys in November, 1998 - Join us for a great pot luck and a time that refreshes your spirit. E-mail us for info on when, where and how to get there

Kingston's Men's Conference

I Don,t Want To Talk About It!

October 23 -25, 1998

Kingston Hall, Queen,s University

The Kingston Men,s Conference is an annual chance for men to gather and
about it -- everything from our relationships and emotional life to our
concern about the
society we live in. We seek to understand ourselves better as individuals
and the impact
that gender and socialization has had on us as men. It,s also a chance to
celebrate -- to
enjoy ourselves, in music, play and other relaxation activities.

The planners are male-affirmative, gay positive and pro-feminist. We
support the
feminist critique of patriarchy and traditional masculinity, but believe
that men are
inherently good and must be supported in remodeling masculinity for a more
society. We also support full equality for gays.

There is no registration fee and no requirement that you attend the entire
conference. You can simply attend the sessions that appeal to you.

The bulk of the conference will be held at Kingston Hall on the Queen,s
University campus.

The Keynote

Four men will share their thoughts and experiences with the conference
Michael Deloughery, Ken Rose, Kevin Simpson, and Johnny Yap. Through
laced with some music and poetry, they will set the stage for the weekend


Most men are nervous when considering attendance at their first men's
conference. That is inevitable, given our culture.

The Kingston Men's Conference is loosely-structured and highly informal,
the comfort level of first-time attenders a critical concern. You decide
how much you
want to participate: which workshops to attend and how much to volunteer in
workshops. You will not be asked to do anything you don't want to do. If
you can,t talk
about it now, listen -- and share by being with us.

At the same time, we remind you that the conference is intended for men who
share our beliefs, notably in pro-feminism and equal rights for gays. This
is a rare
weekend to be with those of like mind. If you differ, this is not the
conference for you.

Support Groups

On Saturday we,ll randomly form support groups in which we discuss the tough
issues in our lives in depth. Those groups will come together again briefly
afternoon and, if people in the group feel the need, again Sunday morning
to continue the
discussions. We also will have sign-up sheets for men looking to join a
support group
after the conference in their community.


We try to billet everyone from out-of-town but can run into difficulties
if there is
a flood of men advising us of their need at the last moment. Please let
your contact
person know of your need for a billet as soon as possible.

If you live in Kingston, please help the conference by volunteering to
billet. Also,
please help by bringing a dessert on Friday evening for our traditional
welcome to men
who have come from other cities to join us.

Saturday Night

We,ll have dinner together and then hold a cabaret, showcasing men,s

The dance will feature lots of rip-roorin, music while those who want
fare can enjoy our cafe.


Reaching Out To To Your Father -- James McCalla-Smith

Skin Hunger -- Terry Hargraves, Eric Rosenblath, Warren Chrusciel

Rage -- Larry Brazil

Transforming Wounds Into Gifts -- Andrew C. MacDonald

Making Religion Gay and Other Positive -- Art Griffin

What,s Good About Being A Man? -- Shawn Talbot

Who is the Man You Always Wanted to Be? -- Robert Knowlton

I Want To Sing About It -- David Abel

Me In My Garden -- Jeff Piker, Patrick McGinn, Art Griffin

I Don,t Feel Safe! -- Tom Kral

Spiritual Wellness For Men -- Steve Hill

Friendship Amongst Men -- Ian Russell

Body Jazz -- David Best

Yoga -- Mark Davidson

Money --Wayne Westfall

The Hurt I,ve Caused -- Paul Payson

Death -- Bob Gorham, John MacTavish

Soccer: A Break From Talk -- Warren Chrusciel

Slim Hopes and Eroticism -- Steve Rush

Intimacy -- Patrick Lynch

Learning To Talk With Each Other About Our Humaness: In Search of a
Common Language -- Mac Freeman

"Not talking about feminism" --Craig Jones

Impotence -- Will Irwin

My Own Prejudices -- Eric Ralph

Don,t Blow It Communication Skills -- Jesse Stewart

Why I Like Pornography -- Terry Boyd


Women are welcome at all events except a few workshops. Saturday evening is
intended for those who have attended the conference.

For More Information

Kingston: Steve Rush, 547-0917
Toronto: Ray Jones, 416-363-4039
Ottawa: Murray Thorpe 613-747-1011
Montreal: Bert Young, 514-457-6610


Kingston Hall is on the Queen's University campus, facing Kingston General Hospital. It,s beside Grant Hall.


There is no charge for attending the Kingston Men's Conference. However, to
meet our costs we ask participants to make a small financial contribution.


Friday, Oct. 23 Kingston Hall
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.: Dessert Welcome
7:30 p.m.: Keynote Address: Four Men Tell Their Stories

Saturday, Oct. 24 Kingston Hall
9:00 - 9:45 a.m.: Welcoming Plenary
9:45 - 12:00 noon: Support Groups
Noon - 1:15 p.m.: Lunch, Queen,s Grad Club
1: 15 - 2:45 p.m.: Workshops 1
2:45 - 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 - 4:45 p.m.: Workshops 2
4:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Support Groups
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.: Dinner, Queen,s Grad Club
7:30 - whenever: Cabaret, Grad Club
9:00 p.m.: Dance, Grad Club

Sunday, Oct. 25
8:45 - 10:00 Support Groups
10:00 - 11:20 a.m. Workshops 3
11:20 - 11:40 a.m.: Break
11:40 - 1:00 p.m.: Workshops 4
1:00 - 1:20 p.m. Closing Circle

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