Male Oppression

REMEMBER: Oppression is the systematic mistreatment of one group of people by another group of people or by society as a whole; with institutional power as a means of asserting that mistreatment.

1. Men are treated as inherently aggressive and violent. Men are not allowed to be flexible; they are forced into a narrow definition of MALE. When they do not fit in to the definition they are labeled "wimp", "sissy" or "girl".
2. Violence against men is more condoned than against women. Despite the growing societal awareness of violence against women (which is very good) it is still acceptable to harm or kill men if the reason is "justifiable".
3. Men are treated as if they do not feel pain or experience the full range of emotions like women. If killing or risking of life and limb is involved men are chosen for the job. When they get hurt at work or play they are expected to shrug it off and continue as if nothing happened; the work or the game is considered more important than their feelings. Men are looked upon as expendable.
4. Boys and men are not expected to need closeness, reassurance and attention, which is thought to be harmful to their sense of place and importance in the world. If a boy or man asks for help they are seen as weak and needy and then put down for being like a woman.
5. Men are treated as inherently compulsive in their sexuality. It is a lie that men cannot help the way they think, feel, look or act in a sexual context towards anyone.

1. Every man has always done the best he could to fight the oppression that was placed upon him; even when he acts oppressively towards men or women, he is still fighting against the oppression as hard as he can and as much as he knows how to.
2. All men want, need and require close loving relationships with men and women. It is the effects of oppression that lead men ever to act otherwise. If it is difficult to see this then it is where YOU have bought into Male Oppression.
3. Every man is capable of recovering his humanness completely. No man is ever too far gone, too out of reach, or too damaged. AGAIN: Not seeing this clearly is part of Male Oppression. It may take resource but every man is worthwhile to love.
4. Tenderness, closeness, and softness are all inherent male traits. Therefore it is 100% masculine to have these qualities. It is oppressive to consider that masculinity is only "tough," "rough" and "strong;" just as it would be sexist to view women only as tender, close, and soft creatures. It is 100% feminine for women to be tough, rough, and strong . By definition, men are not feminine, just as women are not masculine.

It is true that men hold predominantly all of the power and privilege in the current oppressive society. Although women do not hold near as much power and privilege they still play a part in oppressing boys and men in society by holding the above lies about men as true. Certainly men do this too as well.

Men Against Racism & Sexism
517 Sacramento Drive, Austin, Texas USA
E-MAIL: - Phone-Fax: 512-326--9686